I came away to Phuket because I was supposed to be on a diving week with some friends and a boy I was dating. He turned out to be dickhead no 426 (and invited his ex girlfriend diving) so I thought why waste the paid for plane ticket, at last minute, I ventured off to Phuket, solo. To the lovely Serenity Resort & Spa.
It’s amazing when you travel alone what can happen to you that rarely occurs when you have friends around.
Firstly, I made friends with the lovely AOF who was my host at the resort. I told him my story of why I was here alone, and that I was a writer, and asked if he had a room that had a lovely view that I could seek inspiration from and create my stories. He upgraded me to a two bedroom master suite. I promise you this place is bigger than my condo in Singapore. It’s well over 2000 Sqm with a huge balcony overlooking the pool and beach in front. Just Magic!
You are alone for as long as you want to be in this world of travel. On this trip however, I really wanted to have some solitude, me time and most importantly, rest time. Not to sound ungrateful, but I’ve been entertained by many little situations and people that have wanted to share my company.
With out going into too much detail, I’ve been given financial advice in the pool and an invitation to dinner by an Englishman here doing a 6 week Thai Boxing Course. He was married, so I said no! I was then approached in the turquoise waters by a devilishly handsome French man wanting to get to know me better; that was until his beautiful topless girlfriend came trawling into the waters. I thought, "hmm nice boobs", got the giggles, bit my lip and bowed out gracefully of that situation as well. I stopped at a random restaurant in the middle of the island and lunched with some boys from Germany, they were hilarious, and boys on tour definitely. They didn’t believe I was 37; not a day over 27, they were sure. God love them, if they had more facial hair I may have stayed longer. They didn’t look a day over 21.
Then came the silver foxes, three. Oh I had been spying these over my sunglasses during the time that I did have alone, midway in reading my “MBA in 10 days” book. I’d been out on my scooter exploring the island, and decided it was time for a sundowner, a head splitting frozen Margarita. Just as I came to the bar, there they were. Gillies, Andy and Izzy. All incredibly handsome, addictively charming, fit men in their late 40’s. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy their company. I was invited to dinner, to tour the local Thai weekend markets and feast on the local delights. Whilst this struck on my Big Sheila foodie chords, no was the answer. But ...I did suggest that I might come and have a drink with them after dinner.
I was too chilled after my day on the beach and didn’t want to rush, even for these foxy silvers. This is going to make me sound like a bore, but I didn’t go. I came back to my palace, showered, threw on "Sexy in the City 2" to watch with dinner, and got into a nice chilled zone and sense got the better of me.
My hotel phone rang off the hook; the Silver foxes intent to track me down, however, at my age and experience, I know when a man has that look in his eye, and this night would not be early, calm or without a story. And at my age and experience, I know when to know better, especially when all three foxes had that look. It was enough to just know. I was happy being alone.
The other side of being alone on holiday is Facebook and the mobile phone always lets you know people are thinking of you. Phone calls from Catherine telling me she’d had breakfast with Bethwyn, talking about how special they both thought I was, which melted my heart to know I was in their thoughts. And Pete, my darling friend from Greece, called to tell me he loved me and in his glorious spiritual bohemian ways, remind me that love is all around, but it starts with me. And darling, Sophia reminding me to define my boundaries, to set filters and keep dickheads out of my life. Funny how people choose to call you at opportune times! (maybe it was her ringing in my ears saying no to the silver foxes!)
Having some me time has also inspired to branch out and travel alone further afield. I've got 3 weeks off work, so I've booked a trip to Argentina in December. A little glimpse at my intinerary:
First off, I’m going to get my file of the authentic Argentina Beef farm, and herd me some cattle at Estancia Huechahue (pronounced "way-cha-way"!). A working cattle ranch in Argentine Patagonia. Big tick in the box for me of must do's in life. Then, next, a group of 8 of us will ride on horse back across the Andes into Chile for 10 days. Amazing. 7 hours a day in the saddle, my ass will be either rock hard or red raw! Just sounds magnificent (check out the links below). Next, I will venture to a remote Estancia Cristina, where I will spend Christmas nestled with in the Los Glaciers National Park. It looks like something out of "Legends of the Fall". (Where's Brad? I wont comment any further there). It's so remote, to get there I will sail for 4 hours through the Argentino Lake among icebergs and mountains. Afterwards, I set off on a 6 day trek through the national park and into the glaciers further to touch and feel more of Patagonia’s mysteries an marvel at the blue marble icebergs. I'll spend New Years eve on Patagonia Glacier, slightly different from drinking too much champagne at some random party somewhere. I don't think I'll get a snog at Midnight, but it just looks and feels perfect! Finally, I’m going to round off my trip with some time in Buenos Aires, where I think it would be rude not to learn the tango! Not a bad little plan to hatch from a beach in Thailand hey!
Some links for you to look at:
Horse Riding across the Andes:
The Estancia Cristina Lodge:
The 6-day trek
The Hotel in Buenos Aires:
A Youtube shot of the Glaciers I will be visiting
I’d recommend the Serenity Resort to anyone that wanted a little special treatment in a more boutique style hotel in Phuket. It’s not a massive resort filled with every Tom, Dick or Harry and Leiu-phoa (his local underage girlfriend). It’s intimate and lovely.
What is also lovely is to know that we humans by our very nature are inclusive and seek to share as a normal way of life. And as I always say, everyone has a story to tell. I’ve enjoyed this time alone, and have taken pleasure in my little interludes as much as my quite time. Funny, I haven’t been able to nail this dry MBA book, probably also why I’ve been open to people approaching me. And as for Argentina, I feel that this is going to be one incredible journey. What a great way to set myself up for the New Year and maybe some new beginnings.
And as for new beginnings and new experiences, let's see what comes in next year! Like movies, I feel like I'm setting this up for a sequel post in 2011. ....

Talk soon,
p.s – he he, as I’m writing this from my balcony I’m getting fox calls from below. My Silver foxes are asking me to join them by the pool today. I love how there is nothing more reliable than the male ego! Hmm, might write about that next! ☺
...that made me happy! Just saw a t-shirt (made me think of this blog) is said "an akward morning is better than a boring night". :-)
your blogs are hilarious!
Very entertaining Fleur! Excellent piece. Looking forward to the next installment!
3 Silver foxes and one Little Red Riding Hood. That could make for a funny adult version of the classic fairy tale.
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