I’d like to take the last blog to another level and give you some context to the sexual revolution and the other side to its potential meaning. Let’s look at how your sexual expression can make you a genius. Really?
I understand that most of us associate sex as physical because of mainstream influences and then ultimately induces a highly biased mindset when it comes to reading about sex. Sex means smut in our mainstream conservative reading world, do you agree? But - have you heard of sexual transmutation? This is the exploration that one our strongest human emotions, the desire for sex, is just not a pure and direct relation to the physical expression, but it has the ability to elevate us to the status of genius. Allow me to show you the other side.
The literal meaning of the word “Transmutate” is “the changing or transferring of one element or form of energy, into another.”
Sexual transmutation is simple and easily explained; it basically means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature. And the emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind, three constructive potentialities –
• The perpetuation of mankind
• The maintenance of health (as a therapeutic recreation, it has no equal)
• The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation
Scientific research has discovered that men who are incredibly successful are more often than not, those with highly developed sexual natures. What’s more, these men, that have manifested considerable wealth and fortune with outstanding recognition in their profession, be it commercial, literature, art, or industry, were all motivated by the influence of a woman.
What do they say - the other side of every successful man is a woman?
Can this be so - can a man socially accept that he can transform his desire to sow, to become a genius? The emotion of sex is truly an irresistible force that we all feel. The human mind responds to stimulation and the greatest of these is the stimuli of sex. When driven by this emotion, men become endowed with a tremendous command of action.
Keep a bull in the yard for an extended period of time and he will buck, he will rear, but eventually he’ll find his way out and force the show. Olay! This is exactly the case for the emotion of sex, it could be laying dormant, hidden underneath a dry spell, but by its very nature, will cause the phoenix to rise from the flames and make his appearance.
The news here is, if sexual energy is not transmuted into some kind of creative means, it will find a less worthy outlet to express itself. Boys, can you gather that 60 seconds of a moment, isn’t the same as a lifetime of greatness?
Castrate any animal and watch what happens. No Toro’s will fight the matador and there will be no cry of “Olay Olay” from the crowds, more an order of a juicy eye fillet steak and a bottle of Tempranillo. Remove the gooleys and you’ve stolen a major source of energy and action.
It is fact that when driven by this desire men develop an imagination, a sense of courage, a persistence and creative ability unknown to even themselves at times. So much so, that this desire can become so compelling, it will influence them to run very high risks in life to indulge in it, all to have their release for 60 seconds; a risk of reputation, family, or personal moral value. (Am I being generous?)
The philosopher Napoleon Hill believes that “the transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be sure, but the reward is worth the effort. The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be give an outlet through forms of expression, which enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man. If not given this form or outlet through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels”.
He goes on to say, “Sexual energy is the creative energy of all genii. There never has been, and never will be a great leader, builder, or artist lacking in his driving force of sex.” **
The facts are there; have a flip through the history books and read up on the likes of Lincoln, Napoleon and William Shakespeare to name a few. When Lincoln met Anne Rutledge as one of America’s greatest leaders, he harnessed his creative genii through the stimulation of the love he experienced through Anne. Napoleon was invincible, a man of tremendous judgment whilst with his first wife Josephine; yet when he left her, his ruling immediately declined. There are plenty of examples in our history of men who have climbed to great heights from the stimulation of their wives, until money, power and temptation took the better of them, and they dissolved into destruction. Our dear Napoleon was not the only man that would discover that the sexual influence from the right source is more powerful than any substitute of expediency. You’ve all heard the line… “I did not have sexual relations with that woman….”
As I said, the human mind responds to sexual stimuli, and when harnessed, men are capable of lifting themselves into an elevated realm of thought. A friend of mine had an affair in his office, a extremely successful and respect businessman in his field and he shared his story with me. When we talked at great length about the affair, his firm conclusion was that his “lady” transported him to an intoxicating level of creative intent that he had never experience before, and was unsure would ever again with any other form of influence, or stimulation. And let me tell you this guy appeared to have tried it all. He was now 43 and was starting to see changes in his imagination, power of thought, and felt as though he actually “stepping up” for the first time. He felt awoken, and a changed man. There are endless stories of men that have had woman in their lives serve as the muse or fuel to their fire…. at the right time.
The other side of this is, it doesn’t mean all men are genii if blessed with an over zealous sex drive. It’s only if, those men are willing to stimulate the mind and imagination into a new creative power. Like I said, maturity is a critical factor here. Men who succeed with their plight to the status of genius, can shift the desire for sex to grow beyond the wanting to indulge in instant gratification, the need to share their love and “get it on” with her… and her, and her, and good god, her too. The preconceived notion that the “little man down there” is designed to procreate and that’s about it - needs to be challenged.
What’s becoming apparent is the majority of men just don’t get it. They have yet to grasp that the urge of sex has other possibilities that far transcends in importance than the mere release, conquest, quickie, shag, or what that rumble on kitchen table will ever give them. Can men realize that all of these expressions dissipate their energies to leave them lifeless, spent, and are useless after 60 seconds? Sleep anyone? Funny, their finest and most powerful emotions are all sown wildly into the four winds. Where do you think the term “sowing his our wild oats” came from?
The reason why scientists have discovered that men don’t achieve real greatest till past their forties, is because they’ve spent their earlier “in prime years” in constant dissipation of energies that could have been channeled into more profitable, sustainable results.
The other side is that there are also men in our history that have made their genius through other forms of stimulation, that is in no way the related to the sensual shape of woman. Robbie Burns wrote his best work when he was intoxicated, “For Auld Lang Syne”, was a drunken masterpiece. But, also let it be noted that these men have all destroyed themselves in the end, alone and with an empty bottle.
A study of IT Account Directors in the US has shown that highly sexed men are the most efficient salesmen. Which all boils down to a factor of a personality trait known as “personal magnetism”; which is nothing more nor less than sexual energy. Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism. Through cultivation and understanding, this vital force may be drawn upon and used to great advantage in the work environment. Surely you’ve seen it!
The handshake, their tone of voice, how attentive they are with you (the vibrations of thought), the body language and they way they dress. It’s all there in black and white; you just have to pay attention to it. Or if you’re a woman, you’ve already clocked it and made your move.
The animal’s call for the wild is termed being “in season”; men call it “open season”. Does that mean every day? The other side of this, is used in excess like liquor or drugs, sex can become just as destructive to us. The inability to harness your sexual stimulation has also shown to lead to temporary insanity, or some case permanent, or on a more basic level, broken marriages, painful break-ups or ruined careers.
So all of the men who are afraid of turning forty, I say embrace it! As luck would have it, not only will you have the abundance of sexual expression, but, this is your time to harness your genius and channel your energies to reach the echelons and peerage with brilliant men such as Bill Gates, Salvador Dali, Winston Churchill or Mr Bean - or who ever you believe is a genius!
So men, ponder a thought beyond 60 seconds, and fall in love with your wife again, or if not, ditch her and find a woman that does influence you with wonder, imaginative energy and greatness. If you’re single, go grab a fetching philly and hang on for the ride, you might just wake up to find that ladder to step on to.
She’s out there – we all are. A beacon of love and sexual light to stoke your fires, genius!
**The source of inspiration for this Blog is “Think and Grow Rich”, but Napoleon Hill.
1 comment:
Sowing One's WIld Oates - according to the website - World Wide Words - Not so much why oats, as why wild oats. The saying is referring to a European grass species with the formal name Avena fatua, which has for centuries in English been called wild oats. Some botanists think it’s the wild original of cultivated oats. Farmers have since ancient times hated it because it’s a weed that’s useless as a cereal crop, but its seeds have always been difficult to separate from those of useful cereals and so tended to survive and multiply from year to year. The only way to remove it was to tramp the fields and hand-weed it. Even today it’s still a problem, despite modern seed cleaning and selective weedkillers.
So sowing wild oats was the archetypal useless occupation, indeed worse than useless. It’s not surprising that the phrase sowing wild oats was applied figuratively to young men who frittered away their time in stupid or idle pastimes. But there’s a strong sexual association here, too, because the phrase was often applied, in a more or less indulgent way, and always to young men, to what was politely referred to as youthful dissipation. The associations between male sexual activity and sowing seed are obvious enough.
The saying is first recorded in English in 1542, in a tract by the Norfolk Protestant clergyman Thomas Becon, though I’m told that a related phrase appears in the works of the Roman author Plautus. It’s common in older English literature, no doubt because the image struck a chord in a society that was still mainly agrarian. Here’s a typical example, from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, of 1869: “Boys will be boys, young men must sow their wild oats, and women must not expect miracles”.
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