I wonder as you get older do your forms or sources of inspiration change?
I realise that our senses and tastes change, differ become more refined or in tune with who we are and what we want, but I’ve been thinking about inspiration today and here’s what I think.
Does inspiration mean motivation? And therefore does motivation come from within or can it be drawn from an outside source, like a lover, a leader, a teacher, a brother or a friend? Or self?
Do we have the capability to find inspiration on our own, or do we need outside influence to draw out what we have within?
A friend wrote on Facebook yesterday, “I’m in search of inspiration”. It made me smile because at the very time, I was researching poetry on the web of the old greats used to write. I was looking for inspiration for my writing, inspired by a modern day film, a love story in fact that made reference to Beethoven’s letters to his beloved… and it made me think that inspiration comes in all forms, a modern day story with an olden day twist! Nice.
What I see is that we mere mortals are inspired by all sorts. I guess it comes down to where you are in your life at the moment in time, right?
Some find inspiration from a lovers kiss, a motivational book on "how to", or another’s victory, motivated to win against a competitor to prove their value and status in their world, for a sense of achievement. Some a sportsman on the field, "SCORE", or a millionaire in play, or as simple as a mate losing his beer gut before you in the biggest loser competition! Or, it can come from the motivation by a night time chat that makes you think about possibilities in life that you’ve never really thought could be a reality because of, well, because of "the just because theory”. Meaning, we do that, “just because”… that’s the way it’s always been.
I think inspiration is an amazing emotion really. It is an opening of thought and recognition of possibility or energy that you’d maybe lost touch with or in some cases, never really afforded yourself before.
Therefore is the other side of inspiration, that it comes from outside of the safe place that we all know and hold tight to, or make excuses to cling on to because it’s the place that we’ve become most comfortable with – so therefore, to differ is outside of the norm and therefore not safe?
Or is inspiration a treat that we allow ourselves to experience as a high, yet we struggle to maintain it, so when it dissipates, we feel low and unbalanced and then wonder why we did “that thing” in the first place - the thing that inspiration possibly took us to?
How many times have you seen a motivational speaker that has inspired you to look outside the box, to think big, to touch high and wide and pursue the dreams and the desires you’ve always wanted…. Then, surged out with gusto and gone after that “thing” only to find in a month, or two, or six, you’ve forgotten what that high was all about and asked yourself, “….how did that person phrase it again?”
I find, that inspiration comes from individuals we meet that touch us, that move us and provoke thought, then the masses take it away from us. Does that make sense?
Now I’ll rephrase that, and tell you the other side – we find inspiration in people and experiences that lift us to a place that we see apart of ourselves in, a part that we’ve always wanted to be, become, or thought we could. For in that person we see an element of our self belief, or the one that our subconscious does rather, and that’s why we are so attracted to and associate that “high” with such experience, engagement or encounter. Then, we stop, and we allow society, culture, or the patterns of our lives to take a stronger hold of our way of life – therefore the high can become unsustainable.
That is, unless, you decide to change you. Or find out who you really are in that moment of inspiration, and motivate yourself to find the tools, discipline or desire to learn more about that “you” that you’ve touch and felt, even only for a moment, or an hour, of day and so on. But you were conscious in that moment.
An old mentor used to say to me, "find someone that inspires you and model yourself on the traits and behaviours of that person and see what you create". I liked that theory, I have used that method for a long time – I now see what others that "I see myself in” do, and I copy that trait but apply my own flare or style, and then it becomes mine!
I find when you’re open to inspiration it comes to you in waves, massive waves, it’s just being brave enough to get the surf board out and ride it baby, not give up after you’ve been dunked, and say, “holy shit that’s way too urgent for me”. Rather, embrace the thrill and new look of it, and don’t ever say, “no way, I can’t do that”. Because I say, "bullshit to that, yes you can, we all can". But it’s all about what you really want.
It might not be a wave you’re after, it might be calm shallow waters, what ever the analogy that works for you – but what ever it is, get in the water, it’s refreshing, it can wake you up, give you shivers right to core, and when all of the masses are getting out, hold on, just wait, your body temperature soon adjusts and you’re swimming, or catching your wave and you don’t even realise it. And it is, honestly, really amazing. But, I am sure you know what I mean. You've touched it before right!
I truly believe, when you seek it, it does come. Whether it is from a call from a friend telling you of a recent triumph, a new baby born, a tale of a heart won, weight lost, steps taken, words spoken, a poem sent, eyes opened, minds made up, balance found, a moment with a lover, or something as simple as a “yes”. All can produce or promote a lift, a smile or an energy in you that you exude outwards, and then what magically happens, as others watch you, is the creation of inspiration begins again.
Think about it.
P.S - The poem that I found inspiration in yesterday was this, a letter Ludwig Van Beethoven wrote to his Immortal beloved.

Letter 1
Good morning, July 7
My thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved
I can live only wholly with you or not at all
Be calm my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our experience can we achieve our purpose to live together
Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours
You inspire me when we laugh and laugh and laugh our heads off!! Fx
LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Always wondered where the 'ever mine, ever thine, ever yours' came from
Bless you bella. So extremely talented.. I wish I could write like that.. So on the money... A couple of typos in there though but no biggies... The most awesome thing is the feelings and thoughts that your writing produce in me, and no doubt others
Well BS......what can i say, having the great fortune of what I beleive is commonly known as "serendipity" i find myself yet again inspired and somewhat enlightened by you.......I look forward to the next chapter....
Yours Storm Trooper...
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