Who doesn’t like to kiss? Unless you have fish lips, are a porn star, or Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, for whom a kiss is too personal, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like to get a smooch on! Fair play, none of us like to pucker up for those lips that don’t appeal or are stuck to a face that is less than attractive, or laced with a foreign surprise on the corners, hiding grotty teeth or death breath! But for when they are attached to the face of someone that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, a kiss can change life as you know it.
I was sitting in Soho in London one spring day having a drink with my friend Matty, it was late afternoon and the theatre opposite had just finished playing the “Muma Mia” Matinee, when an old couple who must have been in their early 80’s, walked out arm in arm, looking wistful and bouncing as they strolled together. Matty and I commented on how content they looked, and we toasted “to a good and healthy life”. At that very moment, as if on Que, the old man stopped, twirled his beloved (almost in her mid stride) to draw her towards him her, tummy to tummy, and gently rose his hands to caress her face and kiss her.
Oh, it was beautiful and stolen moment. It was not ours, but it stopped us completely, glasses still charged, we both sighed, looking, gazing, as the old lovebirds kissed, embracing each other, then stopping to fall in love with each others look, as they kiss again.
They walked on hand in hand, Matty and I still breathless, and then Matty said, “wait look”, he had stopped again, pulling her up against him this time with an elderly man vigor , yet it was so graceful. Repeating his manly way. Randy old man! It was magnificent; we could see her body give way to him, slightly melting into his arms, her head falling as he held her and kissed her. Oh, as I write this, I can still feel that wonderful feeling; it was such a moment. It was like watching an old black and white movie in modern day. That experience for me, was a kiss that changed my life, even though it was not mine, it was a kiss that I would fantasize about having myself one day!
I remember practicing kissing at boarding school on our teddies! I wonder if our boyfriends at school thought those kisses would ever change their lives forever? Nervous, very wet, or desperately loose tongues from the boys (they didn’t have teddies), regardless, they are all very fond memories. These were the kisses that I knew at the time, and let’s face it we all have to start somewhere and learn how to use these luscious puppies!
For a lot of us, we’ve experience a kiss that has changed our life forever. Meaning, a kiss that has changed our plans, opened the door to a new experience, or marked the beginning of a new life with someone. In many cases, a kiss has taken us to the place when ask our dearest friends and family to share a moment when we say, “yes, I do”. I’m going to a wedding next weekend in the UK to witness this very moment for some special friends that I can definitely say life changed as they knew it when they first kissed… two people that grew up 9 miles down the road from each other in Devon. But would never meet until they both moved to work (together as luck would have it) in Singapore some 30 years on. That first kiss, at a ball one December, was truly meant to happen. They are the lovebirds that warm the cockles of your heart. Truly, these two people that make you want to pucker up and kiss spontaneously when you’re around them. Anyone got a teddy bear handy?! Bless you Roy and Karen, may you have a life of love and happiness together.
Lips are amazing really when you think about it – these soft, pink, luscious parts of our face are highly tuned, sensitive yet incredibly useful tools! For when they are presented to another, they can have such persuasive ways, they are a magnet for human to human connection. The look, the touch, the curl or form, all can have a sense of power over the two people that are engaged in their positioning.
A pout can say, “I’m up for it!” A protruding bottom lip can say, “kiss me more, don’t stop, if you kiss me again, the sides will curve with joy”. And then, there is a glorious smile that curls up so nicely towards the ears, that tells you, “hmm, yes please, that was just lovely!” Hey, and let’s face it - they are the “on button” to the lovely hot bits as well!
The other side of a kiss hello is those that bid goodbye. Again, we kiss once, twice, three times, or hold each tightly and prolong that wonderful soft touch, sharing the final moment that we have together, connected as human to human, tummy to tummy, heart to heart. The last kiss till we see each other again. But don’t say goodbye, just say, “we’ll see you again soon!”
Slow passionate kissing or hot yummy sultry pashing? All have their place really. Personally I have quite a thing about kissing on a bridge! There is something that ignites the “you and me” connection and I can’t explain why. That being said, I haven’t been kissed on a bridge for as long as I can remember!
Whether it is a cute kiss of awakening, a Dutch dizzy one, an eighties something passionate embrace, or having to endure a wet sloppy monotone one to keep you waiting simply until that day when your lips go bang with a melting moment, and life does change as you know it!
Maybe when I get kissed on that bridge one day, I’ll write about how my life has changed!
Pucker up buttercup!